Torey Defalco vs Facundo Conte | Usa vs Argentina | VNL 2021 | Hilghlights
USA survived a first-set scare and came back to defeat Argentina in four, rebounding after the previous night’s defeat to Brazil.
Here’s the reaction after the game, from the virtual Mixed Zone:
Martin Ramos (Argentina): “I think we started to feel tired, because we came here only with nine players. It’s not an excuse, but it’s reality. We lost today, but we have to grow. This week six additional players arrive in Rimini, so I think we will get better in the next games.“
Torey Defalco (USA): “I think we battled well
.... Argentina are a very good team. They pass really well, they play good defence and have a very good fast offence. As soon as we got service pressure and block-defence working it turned out better for us. I think we had a good start at the VNL. First start after a year and half, so I’m really happy with our first three games, of course there are some things we caShow more