Halo CEA: Lions and Tigers and… (Cinematic Version)

Random little thing I decided to record while playing Two Betrayals (while gathering some assets for a larger project). This is the version of the track that plays during the ending cutscene of that mission (after Chief overloads the last pulse generator). I’m really surprised they didn’t use this as the opening for the actual track in the OST. Only issue I have is that, because I recorded it in-game, the dynamics change a bit towards the end once the dialogue stops. Hopefully not too distracting (maybe one day I can actually pull it from the game files). Also main reason for this being public is because I couldn’t find anything on YT that specifically provides it, so here you go (not gonna post it on SoundCloud or anything). Disclaimer: Halo © Microsoft Corporation. Halo CEA: Lions and Tigers and… (Cinematic Version) was created under Microsoft’s “Game Content Usage Rules“ (). using assets from Halo, and it is not endorsed by or affiliated with Microsoft.
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