Bija Mantras

Bija mantras are the sounds that Kundalini makes when passing through each chakra. The number of Bija mantras are corresponding to the number of petals on the chakra. This means that the Bija Mantra for Mooladhara is said 4 times, for Swadisthana 6 times and so on. The recording is made so that at every chakra there is a first a long AUM written in capitals then comes the bija mantra. There is a short pause between every line so that we can breath. The bija mantra for Agnya chakra is Aum and as there are two petals for Agnya we will first say the long AUM than twice, a bit shorter Aum, Aum and then again the long AUM. Sahasrara Chakra actually has 1000 petals but they are combined into one Aum. Again first a long AUM then a bit shorter Aum and then finally a long AUM again. These recordings can be used as a support for your own daily meditation or collectively. They can also be used when travelling. Learn how to meditate with Sahaja Yoga.
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