梵音大悲咒 好听佛曲 (十一面觀音心咒)瓊英卓瑪 , 11 faced avalokiteshvara mantra relaxing powerful by Ani Choying Drolma

#瓊英卓瑪 #AniChoyingDrolma #大悲咒 The Heart-dhāraṇī of Avalokiteśvara-ekadaśamukha Sūtra (Chinese:佛說十一面觀世音神咒經; Japanese:十一面神呪心經 Jūichimen-jinshushin-gyō) is a Buddhist text first translated from Sanskrit into Chinese on the 28th day of the third lunar month of 656 CE, by Xuanzang. The title in Tibetan language is Spyan-ras-gzigs-dbang-phyug-shal bcu-gcig-pa, while the Sanskrit title recovered from the Tibetan translation is Avalokiteśvara ikadaśamukha dhāraṇī. Alternatively, the sutra’s title has been translated as the Eleven-Faced Avalokitesvara Heart Dharani Sutra by Professor Ryuichi Abe. This sutra introduces the dhāraṇī Heart-dhāraṇī of Avalokiteśvara-ekadaśamukha (Chinese:聖十一面ෆ
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