[1923] Beach Life In 1920s Holland: In Amazing 4K 60fps

Experience the vibrant beach life of 1920s Hook of Holland in this stunning 4K 60fps footage. This rare glimpse of the past is a must-see! Colorized and enhanced to 4K 60 fps clarity with added sound. Ordinary citizens swimming and sunbathing over 100 years ago. Working class Dutch citizens relax on the beach resort in the town of Hoek van Holland. Despite beach vacations becoming steadily more popular in the early 20th century, in the early 1920s, social attitudes to swimming were still pretty conservative. Note the bathing machines, popular from the 19th century. These small wheeled cabins provided privacy for changing into and out of swimwear. The other feature are beach tents, to change and shelter in. Women’s swimsuits consisted of simple romper suits or tanks tops and shorts. All the ladies wore swim caps to protect their hair from the salt water. The men wore trunks into the water but otherwise looked dapper in their coloured shirts, trousers with suspenders and straw boater hats
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