Slaget vid Poltava (English subtitles)

In 1709, on the eight of July, 17,000 exhausted and starving Swedes marched in lines against the Russian army of nearly 70,000 well-supplied soldiers. The fields, hills and swamps around Poltava turned into a devastating bloodshed where more than 10,000 people lost their lives. Poltava was the first meaningful victory that Russia could achieve during the Great Northern War (1700-1721) and spelled the beginning of the end for Carolean dominance on the battlefield. When such a large part of the army was killed or captured, Sweden could not win the war. But the thousands of Swedes who gave their lives in the battle of Poltava will not be forgotten. Despite that they knew death was near, they fought on to the bitter end... Band: Sabaton Song: “Poltava“ (Swedish version) Movie: “Sluga Gosudarev“ (“Slaget vid Poltava“ aka “The Sovereign’s Servant“) Translation was made by me
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