Beethoven: Sinfonia in C minor (3 sketches), Unv 1, Hess 298. Jorgensen, Radulovich, Souza, Milete

Ludwig van Beethoven: “Sinfonia“, “Presto“, in C minor (3 sketches from the Kafka Miscellany in the British Library), Unv. 1, Hess 298. Jerilyn Jorgensen, violin multi-tracked & flanged (sketches 1 & 2) Nada Radulovich, cello multi-tracked & flanged (sketch 1) Hugo Souza, oboe (sketch 1) Hector Milete, viola multi-tracked & flanged (sketch 3) The date of this loose sketch cannot be pinpointed for certain, but the paper, ink & handwriting are from before November, 1792.
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