“Rachmaninoff can’t even play his OWN PIECE!!”

While Rachmaninoff did enjoy a lot of success from his C# minor prelude, it’s rather unfortunate that he didn’t have the work copyrighted. He sold this prelude to his publisher for about a day’s wages worth, and ultimately missed out on an enormous profit. Some say that this work alone would’ve netted him ~$100,000 in profit!! Such was the magnitude of its popularity. Sylvester, Richard D.. Rachmaninoff’s Complete Songs: A Companion with Texts and Translations. United States, Indiana University Press, 2014. Seroff, Victor. Rachmaninoff. Kiribati, Cassell, 1951. #Rachmaninoff #classicalmusic #history #musichistory #piano ,(Rachmaninoff,_Sergei) Performed by Peter Bradley-Fulgoni, 2015.
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