MISTAKEN JESUS: The Root of Christian Messianic Ideology

FEED 4500 FOR THE MERIT OF THE 45 KEDOSHIM OF MERON OUR GOALD IS TO FEED 4500 FOOR JEWS IN THE MERIT OF THE 45 KEDOSHIM OF MERON. THAT’S 10 POOR JEWS IN THE MERIT OF EACH OF THE 45 KEDOSHIM OF MERON. TIKKUN HaBRIT The Movie: THE MOST IMPORTANT FILM IN HISTORY!!! PRAYERS ARE NOT ENOUGH FOR THE TIKKUN HABRIT EPIDEMIC SO WE MADE A MOVIE YOU CAN BE PARTNER IN!! To Support our KIRUV and Torah Teachings work please DONATE at If you’d like to invite Rabbi Yaron Reuven to give a lecture at your synagogue, home or office please email Info@ Rabbi Reuven is based out of Florida but travels to give lectures to different groups. Join one of our interactive “Interesting Torah“ Whatsapp groups to get daily updates and short Torah clips that can uplift your day by texting or 91 93236 69880 Available on Apple iTunes Store, Amazon App Store and Android Play Store ?
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