Yoga Fabio Martella

It is intended for educational, and spiritual purposes only. It is a demostration of an extremely adavanced Yoga practice. This video was shot on November 2011 in Rome. It is not intended that you atempt to train with it, the level of yoga illustrated in this video should not be imitated by anyone other than qualified experts, and anyone who those so proceeds at his or her own risk. Yoga synchronizes breath and movement through a set series of asanas (postures). This combination creates intense heat, and thereby rids the body of toxins, removes impurities, and creates vibrant physical, mental and spiritual wellness. This physical purification creates mental clarity and awareness in all aspects of our personality. From this place we can make sense of the subtler aspects of the Katory Yoga Philosophy .TheYoga Series of Fabio Martella contains ’Eight Series’ of postures; The primary series is called “Functional Yoga Therapy“ as it focuses on āsanas that purify the body and restore health. The āsanas are arranged in a sequential order, each posture builds on the previous one, strengthening and returning the body to a state of balance. Enjoy your practice!
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