Zanzibar Elections (1961)

Zanzibar. Documentation on file. Various shots, good street scene in Zanzibar, Darajani Street looking to Gulioni Street. Good shots of Portuguese Street one of the narrowest streets in Zanzibar. LS. Man touching up an emblem on a coastal dhow. Good shots, loading coastal dhows at Zanzibar dhow wharf. Good CUs. taken in Women’s section of a Polling Booth at Malindi in Zanzibar Township. Various shots taken in Men’s section of a Polling Booth at Malindi. Various shots of Sheikh Ali Mohsin, leader of the Zanzibar Nationalist Party, outside the party’s headquarters drinking coffee and talking to his followers for last minute briefing. He is also seen talking to Mohamed Abubaker who was his first school teacher. Various shots, including CUs. of the Vice-President of the Zanzibar and Pemba People’s Party, Mr. Ameri Tajo, with Aba Leil Mbwana another candidate of the a party (in cap and suit) and some followers of the party outside their H.Q. CU. The emblem of the Zanzibar Nationalist Party, a cockerel stenc
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