DaVinci Diamond Factory - First automated full-faceting laser system for diamonds (original version)

- From rough to polished diamond: - A third party planning tool scans and plans the rough diamond - A table-sawn diamond form the basis for the shaping process DaVinci Diamond Factory for round brilliants and fancy shapes: - 5-axis CNC machine - Laser and water pump module - Compact footprint - 1 to 8 minutes/facet A breakthrough sensor recognizes when a facet cut is complete and automatically initiates facet changing - Cutting of 57 facets (pavilion, crown, girdle) - Final polishing step (removing thin carbon layer on a polishing wheel) DaVinci CAM software: - Import data from the third party source - Defines facet cutting order and generates code for the machine - An optical alignment process is carried out Result: Fully shaped round brilliant & reusable cut-off diamond chips Shaping time: 75 - 90 minutes (1 carat polished size) DaVinci Diamond
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