Jaw Surgery & The Modern Health Crisis - IMDO Pioneer Paul Coceancig | JawCast #53
Paul Coceancig is an internationally-known & very experienced jaw surgeon, famed for pioneering the IMDO Jaw procedure and authoring the book ’6 Ways to Design a Face.’ He is here to talk about Sleep Apnea, Jaw Surgery, IMDO, how Medical Experts are often biased by the lens of their expertise when diagnosing patients, the opioid epidemic and how it was in large part caused by wisdom teeth extractions, corporate incentives to keep patients unhealthy, and more.
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00:00:00 - Intro Clips
00:01:58 - Start of Uncut Interview
00:02:48 - Ron is a Mediator Between Doctors & Patients
00:07:43 - YouTube Discussion, Dr. Coceancig and Ron’s YouTube Channels
00:13:36 - Sleep Apnea is a Big Disease
00:14:27 - Multiple False Diagnoses not getting to the Root of the Problem
00:17:04 - The Most Dangerous Treatment in Airway Orthodontics
00:19:00 - Dr. Coceancig’s Headache Analogy - Every Specialist Thinks They Have the Solution to Your Problem
00:23:01 - Dr. Coceancig Says a Surgeon Should be the Quarterback of Treatment
00:24:01 - Bandaids Instead of Fixes - CPAP
00:26:54 - Dr. Coceancig Opinion on Skeletal Expanders
00:35:13 - What Can Dr. Coceancig (a Surgeon) Do That Orthodontists Cannot?
00:38:51 - You Want Well Trained Surgeons
00:41:52 - Dr. Coceancig Drops Some Game About Patients Just Wanting to be Cured of Their Small Jaw
00:42:55 - Ron’s Crazy Dream About His Throat Being Slit, Caused by Sleep Apnea
00:44:12 - The Sleep Apnea Epidemic
00:47:04 - Dr. Coceancig Analyzing Ron
00:49:08 - Jaw Surgery is the Answer - Away with the Old and in with the New: Fixing Jaws Instead of Removing Teeth
00:51:04 - Ron’s Wife Comes In
00:52:00 - Jaw Surgery Seen as Purely Cosmetic
00:52:56 - Jaw Surgery Stemmed From Removing Wisdom Teeth, Did it Also Stem From Making Things Worse?
00:55:35 - Comparing Wisdom Teeth to Pinky Toes - “Let’s Have a Philosophical Conversation About Your Little Toe“
01:02:08 - Wisdom Teeth Removal Drove the Opioid Crisis?!
01:07:38 - Dr. Coceancig’s Hilarious Long-Winded IMDO Analogy for Kids
01:11:44 - Is He Fat Because He Snores? Or Does He Snore Because He’s Fat?
01:15:36 - Will There Always Be a Corporate Resistance to Better Health?
01:22:12 - Wrap-Up
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