Dødsdans by Alexey Romanov & Alla Romanova - GROTH Demo - Ethnic Action

An official demo for GROTH written by Alexey Romanov & Alla Romanova The link: The sound of GROTH evokes the atmosphere of mystical old northern gods, ancient cultural traditions, burial mounds, and rugged forests suspended in frost. This toolbox draws on rich and diverse traditions of folk music rooted in the depths of our past. GROTH provides everything you could need to create contemporary cinematic music inspired by the dark ages and mythology, modern Viking-style music, and any kind of epic music with an air fantasy and distinctly dark post-horror atmosphere. It helps to add dept...h and provide a vast and unique atmosphere to your productions. This NKS library isn’t limited to ancient pagan folk music — rather, it lies at the crossroads of cinematic, modern folk, and post-horror. Website: Facebook: Instagram:
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