Molodechno is a city in the Republic of Belarus, located in Minsk Oblast, 80 km from Minsk. It is the administrative center of Molodechno District and has more than 90 thousand inhabitants.
The city has a rich history, which began in the XIV century, when it was founded as a small settlement at the crossroads of trade routes. In the XVI century Molodechno received the status of a city and became an important center of trade and crafts in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
Today Molodechno is a modern city with a developed infrastructure, where historical monuments and modern buildings are combined. In the city center there is Lenin Square, where the district administration building is located.
Molodechno City Museum tells about the history and culture of the region, as well as about the life and activities of famous figures born in Molodechno. The museum keeps exhibits related to the history of the city, as well as collections of folk art and everyday life.
Molodechno is also famous for
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