Ke’ilu (Claire Besson )

“ KE’ILU “ It took me some time, let’s say rather long than short, and that’s why it’s with relief and joy that I can now finally say “ yes, my first composition is now finished :) ! “ To achieve this first piece was important to me. Important because despite all the beautiful pieces already written for guitar, all these music already wonderfully arranged for guitar, there is also all the other music that I often listen to, and which is usually quite far away from the solo guitar world. And because those music move me, writing something in the same energy and being able to play it for an audience was a desire that I had for a long time already. So here it is, “ Ke’ilu “ ! I hope you’ll enjoy it :) ****************************** Il m’a fallu du temps, plutôt beaucoup que peu, et c’est avec un certain soulagement et une grande joie, que je peux maintenant dire “ oui, ma première
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