Fulham V Bristol R (1958)

Full title reads: “FA Cup 6th Round. Fulham v Bristol R.“ Fulham, London. FA Cup 6th Round football match. Fulham v Bristol R. GV Fulham football team in white shirts running onto the field. CU Girl supporters of Fulham. GV Fulham kick off, ball is sent back to Fulham left half Lawler, he moves forwards and passes inside, ball is intercepted by Bristol Rovers player who beats a Fulham man and passes to one of his colleagues Cooper. GV Rovers attacking from the left wing, ball is centred, Biggs heads, Macedo tips it over the bar for a corner. Bristol Rovers player cannot stop and finishes in the back of the net. CU Woman in crowd. GV Lawler beats a man and runs on, he is challenged again, passes to Chamberlain who centres, Nicholls half clears and a Rovers player heads the ball behind for a corner. CU Elderly man. GV Chamberlain takes corner, ball into goal area where it is cleared. SV Johnny Haynes passes into the middle. CU Nicholls in his goal, ball comes towards him he dives, deflects the ball but it
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