ABO Impacted Canine|【Chris Chang Ortho】CC789

[case report] This is a CIII malocclusion with a maxillary impacted canine treated with self-ligation system and IZC screws. 3 keys are crucial to treatment success: 1. 4 bicuspid extraction strategy 2. Surgical exposure of the impaction by VISTA. 3. CIII mechanics. 這是一個用自鎖式系統改善三類咬合合併上顎阻生犬齒的案例。在此案例中有三個重要的成功關鍵,第一是拔除四顆小臼齒,以擴大空間。第二以VISTA術式暴露組生齒。第三,Class III 的力學設計。
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