Daididau - Dimash - 6 performances compilation

Compilation of Daididau from 6 concerts in Riga 2020, Krasnodar 2020, Yekaterinburg 2020, Almaty 2022, Antalya 2023, Kuala Lumpur 2023 Since 5 of 6 versions are not from official footage. there’s a noticeable difference in term of both sound and visual in different videos shot by cameras and phones. But every performance is so beautiful and gorgeous. I tried what I could to show Dimash’s artistry and versatility. Since Di wore the same outfit in Almaty, Antalya and Kuala Lumpur, concert names were put on each footage to showcase better the variability through all versions “At the age of 15, when I was arranging this song, I dreamt of singing it with you in a big stadium, in different countries. Thanks to you my little dream came true. So, carrying on the tradition, let’s sing this song together, shall we?.” Dimash – before Daididau in Almaty Daididau always ended with beautiful audience sing-alongs and Dimash’s gorgeous improvisations. Personally, I really adore the delicate improvisations i
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