Easy Calus Boss Cheese - Final Lightfall Mission Desperate Measures (Legendary) [Destiny 2]

Destiny 2 Lightfall - Easy Calus Boss Cheese - Final Lightfall Campaign Mission Desperate Measures Boss Fight Guide (Legendary) / How To Make Calus Boss Fight Easy. Just a quick video showing a very easy boss cheese for the final Campaign mission where you fight Calus, where you can make it quick and easy and avoid pretty much all damage. Details below. 00:00 - Phase 1 03:24 - Phase 2 An Even Easier Version: I spent a little bit in here to find these spots, particularly for phase 2, and they worked quite well. Phase 2 can seem a bit awkward, but with a little practice it should be easy enough to jump out of the gap. You can use your grapple to get up if you use the grapple point, so that way you won’t lose the cooldown to get on top of the bubble. Phase 1 is very simple, so it’s no big deal if it takes an attempt or two. Hopefully this helped, as I’ve had quite a few people asking for this after the previous video. I also realise th
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