My Cassette Deck Collection in HD - Kenwood, Technics, Akai, Denon...

12 tape decks from the 80ies and 90ies Subscribe NOW here: The vintage hifi ambassador My Youtube Channel: The Vintage Hifi Ambassador Kenwood KX-9050S Kenwood KX-7030 Kenwood KX-9010 Mitsubishi M-T7100 Denon DRM-700A Denon DRM-710 (2x) JVC TD-W110 Akai GX-95 Technics RS-B605 Technics RS-B905 Technics RS-BX828 Video description: At the beginning you will see a 1 sec teaser with lights on of all the 12 tapes with the displays with high indicator level and then it gets dark where 1 tape after the other is switched on in the dark with some having the automatic tape play engaged with all displays lit in he dark: Fantastic in HD on a big TFT screen. After around 1 minute, I slowly dim up the light and then you see all the tapes playing their cassettes. This will show you the noise of each tape deck and it was a big surprise that the Mitsubishi M-T7100 makes the less compared with the Playing noise from the Denon or the Akai GX-95. Around 3 mi
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