
夏日裏最幸福的事莫過於躺在空調房裏吃自製的解暑小零嘴了吧! 最近這塊酸奶片一不留神就火了起來,它口感冰脆,奶香四溢,同時混合了水果和堅果的清甜脆韌,好看還好吃。做起來也超簡單,不用烤箱, 只需要簡單幾步,就能迅速撫平夏日裏這顆燥熱的心。趕快跟著臺臺學起來,快樂一“夏”吧! The happiest thing in summer is hanging in an air-conditioned room snacking on homemade refreshment! Recently, this yogurt tablet went viral all of a sudden. It’s crispy, milky, fruity and nutty. It looks good and tastes great. It’s also super easy to make. With just a few simple steps, no oven required, we can calm down the irritated heart in summer. Hurry up and follow the steps in the video and have a happy summer.
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