【Kudo】Body clinch and Hip throw against Muay Thai clinch 首相撲に対する胴タックルと腰投げ

As I said in the previous videos, Muay Thai clinch is very effective technique, also in Kudo fighting. However, it is a little difficult to use it unless you are a taller person. So, this time, I introduce the technique for shorter person. 以前のビデオで述べたとおり、首相撲は空道の戦いにおいてもとても有効なテクニックですが、背の低し人には少し使いづらいものです。 そこで今回は背の低い人向けのテクニックを紹介します。 #kudo #daidojuku #muaythai #clinch #hipthrow #judo
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