Nioh mouse and keyboard Patch pc (codex )

1)Click on nioh update 2 run the setup and then copy the files from the codex folder to the main nioh folder(do the same for setup 3). 2)Launch nioh and change the configuration to mouse and keyboard. 3)enjoy Nioh update 2 link: #!oSRWDbaZ!w2hOUB-USOFp4UXLOIlW56LzgiLVLHhXJy-avewLI60 Nioh update 3 link : #!V3ZyGR4Z!fzVuK365KEFJw7gZdY4iL7HEzXJ7LeYKoaw4dOi1zRU *new*Nioh update 4 link: #!UHBnmZAK!cqn_NUmKhf6-IoHHI9Qt8UgG4M9RS-iAcIkOJEM4t5Y fixes the the bugs that i faced during update 3 credit link PASSWORD: *The link itself is the pass copy and paste the link* like if it helped subscribe if you want to (*dont forget to turn off the antivirus,mine was off during the process*)
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