Knockando Woolmill - Speyside, Scotland

В Шотландии, в долине Спей уже 200 лет работает ткацкая фабрика Ноканд Вулмилл. С 1784 года, судя по приходским записям, на мельнице берегут старинные традиции прядения и ткачества. Deep in the Spey Valley, Knockando Woolmill continues an unbroken 200 year old tradition, producing woven fabric on its historic looms. Knockando Woolmill has always been at the heart of the local community. Listed as the ’Wauk Mill’ in parish records from 1784, the mill has since maintained its traditions of spinning and weaving through generations of families. It is steeped in local history, and preserves strong relationships with the farms, land and people of the area.
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