Never Get Fooled by These 3 Food Industry Lies

Share this video with all the parents of young kids who you know. When I see the big food companies using children in their ads, trying to fool other children into eating their sugar-laden, highly synthetic products, trying to ADDICT them from a young age, it angers me 😠 When I see the companies using Bollywood celebrities, trying to fool the innocent population into thinking that’s what they eat and drink everyday, it angers me. When I see companies write something enticing on the front of the packet, and use completely unhealthy, disease-causing ingredients, revealed in a small label at the back of their pack, it angers me. Unfortunately, I cannot change the way the food companies work. But I can help bring this awareness to YOU, so that you can save yourself, your family, your kids, from this trap. #knowyourfood #PacketGhumaoPataLagao #realfood
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