Sonic Acts XII

In collaboration with the Sonic Acts festival, the Netherlands Media Art Institute presents an exhibition with works that deal with the theme of Sonic Acts XII: ’The Cinematic Experience’. Rather than regarding the medium as a manner of telling a story, the works in the exhibition are experiences that the spectator must undergo. What is central in ’The Cinematic Experience’ is the physical and psychological effect of images and sound on the senses and how we construct meaningful and emotional experiences from audiovisual sensory information. Each of the works shown illuminates a different aspect of the theme. For instance, ’probe’ by Boris Debackere is a generative film machine that functions as a window to a digital universe, in a way that the spectator is a part of the creative process. ’Scape’, the installation by Kurt Hentschl�ger, is a reflective and immersive work in which the experience of time is central, and the boundaries of perception are in
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