Afterneath Enhanced Otherworldly Reverberator Demo | EarthQuaker Devices

The Afterneath sounds a lot like it looks – a wizard bursting forth from ethereal cave and ready for the ambient battle. You are the wizard – or sorceress, if you prefer – and the cave is your instrument’s signal, vast, expansive, and magical. Length- Controls the decay length of the reverb Diffuse- Adjusts the spread of the reverb. Counterclockwise for sharper delay with more attack. Clockwise for a more washy, ambient sounding reverb. Dampen- Counterclockwise for brighter tones, clockwise for darker tones and a mellower top end. Reflect- Alters the depth and regeneration of the reverb. This acts as a feedback control and will self-oscillate. Turn clockwise for more wash and echoes, counterclockwise for less. Drag- Separates the individual digital delay lines. Counterclockwise for a scattered ping pong effect, clockwise for a more reverb-like effect. Mix- Afterneath does not go fully wet but does lower the level of the input signal as you raise this control to create the appearance of
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