Das Taghorn [Medieval German song][+English translation]
This worldly song named “The day horn“, a horn that is blown at the beginning of day, is one of the most popular songs of the so-called Monk of Salzburg. There are two other “horn“-themed songs written by the Monk: The Nachthorn (night horn) and the Kuhhorn (cow horn).
The Monk of Salzburg is one of the leading artists and poets of the period following the Golden era of Minnesang during the reign of the Hohenstaufen dynasty around 1150-1300. He was part of the entourage of Pilgrim II. von Puchheim (~1330 to 1396), the Archbishop of Salzburg. That also is the only hint we have when it comes to his biographical data. Pilgrim was a very influential person, even for an Archbishop; he was a diplomat and a friend of the arts, greatly increasing Salzburg’s fame as a hub for arts of all kinds.
Not much is known about the Monk these days, not even his first name, although some sources say his name was Hermann while others say it was Hans or Johann. In the past, some scholars assu
8 months ago 00:05:28 11
Das Taghorn [Medieval German song][+English translation]