H-IIAロケット29号機によるTelstar 12 VANTAGE打ち上げ中継 |Launch of Telstar 12 VANTAGE/H-IIA F29 Live Broadcast

・基幹ロケット高度化紹介CG ・打ち上げ準備状況レポート ・打ち上げなどの中継 ======== JAXA will broadcast the launch of of Telstar 12 VANTAGE aboard H-IIA Launch Vehicle No. 29 from the Tanegashima Space Center through the Internet. The report will cover launch events from the liftoff to the payload separation from the launch vehicle. Broadcast Schedule Part I [Prior and after liftoff of H-IIA F29/Telstar 12 VANTAGE] 2:45 p.m. thru 4:00 p.m. (75 minutes) on Nov. 24 (Tue. , Japan Standard Time) ・時刻はいずれも予定です。 ・番組は、打ち上げ準備の状況な&
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