Weltreich - Germany: all endings
Alternative endings to the Alt. History Lore and series Weltreich.
00:00 Neutral ending (Königgrätzer Marsch)
00:30 The Good ending (Die Wacht am Rhein)
01:01 Canon ending (We are friends forever)
01:32 The Bad ending (Wo alle straßen enden)
02:03 Freikorps ending (Freikorps Voran)
02:34 Crusade ending (For the Motherland)
03:05 Neoliberal ending (Ode to Joy)
03:37 Communist ending (Lied Vom Vaterland)
04:08 Republic ending (German anthem)
04:39 Kolchak ending (Siberian riflemen march)
05:10 Canon 2.0 ending (In Honolulu)
05:41 Uberlebenderreich ending (Wolfenstein march)
06:12 Afrika ending (Das Südwesterlied)
06:44 Tripolar ending (Battotai)
07:15 Secret ending (???)
07:45 Secret Posadism ending (Fichtl’s Lied)