Laravel 9/10: 4 New Blade Features

I’ve noticed 4 improvements in Blade in the last 2 years. Links mentioned in the video: - [9.x] Short attribute syntax for Blade Components - [9.x] Short attribute syntax for Self Closing Blade Components - [9.x] Add @style Blade directive - Blade Component: Refactor Repeating CSS Classes - [9.x] Added required directive - [9.x] Add disabled directive - [9.x] Adds compileReadonly function - What’s the difference between disabled=“disabled“ and readonly=“readonly“ for HTML form input fields? - [10.x] Adds make:view Artisan command - - - - - Support the channel by checking out my products: - My Laravel courses: - Filament examples: - Laravel QuickAdminPanel: - Livewire Kit Components: - - - - - Other places to follow: - My weekly Laravel newsletter: - My personal Twitter:
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