【Undertale】Megalovania Lyric Cover (original: Cami-Cat)

Lyrics by: Cami-Cat Piano instrumental by: ChrystalChameleon Art and vocals by: Me (I’m sorry for the excessive bass... it never sounds bad to me until I upload.) Surprise, surprise, another Undertale cover! Even though I didn’t write the lyrics to this one (except the stuff I added at the end) it still took me longer to do than my It’s Raining Somewhere Else cover. Mostly cause I had to keep rerecording stuff and I didn’t do it all in one sitting... I’m really proud of how my voice turned out in this! It was fun putting my soprano voice to the test with this very deep, sexy sounding song... hahaha!... o_o; Also that art doesn’t look half bad, does it? Check it out on my deviantart if you feel so inclined: Also, didja catch the little bit of Bonetrousle at the end? ;)
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