
它在云南叫草芽,因形似象牙,也叫象牙菜。生长在肥沃的淤泥里,色泽乳白,脆甜鲜美,是蔬菜中的珍品~不管凉拌,素炒,煮汤都特别鲜甜美味! We call it “Caoya” (Typha Latifolia) in Yunnan. Since it’s in the shape of ivory, it is also called the “ivory bud”. This vegetable grows in silt. Its color is creamy white and has a crispy texture and sweet taste. Truly, it is the gem of all vegetables. Whatever dishes you prefer, be it cold dishes, stir-fries or soup, the taste is always fresh and sweet! 大家好!我是滇西小哥,一个地ű
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