Southend Bomb With Leaflets (1918)

Southend bomb with leaflets. World War One; aviation; propaganda. Leaflet bombs. In this film; the British might be testing leaflet bombing device for use in dropping ’Why don’t you quit?’ type propaganda on the Germans. Or else the Brits are having one thing going on and Someone Else is dropping propaganda. Shot of people (from waist or shoulders up) walking to the left; sometimes glancing up. Biplane flying low over a park. 2 men in aeroplane; one speaking — they wear upper-class civilian clothing. As one guy talks the other is lowered down in the plane - maybe he’s stuffing the leaflets in. Quick shot people in park. Aeroplane flying across sky. Another of plane. Man’s head appears in frame as he walks in park; toward camera; looking down; at same time; the leaflets start to fall from the sky. Man turns and looks. People walking. Very cool shot of people running across park; picking up the leaflets as they fall — great! Then folks standing around by the aeroplane again. Profile view of ma
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