The last part of the absolute beginner tutorial series: 11:14 exporting blender files
The next series (beginner tutorials) will cover some more UV maping and box modeling. (I am thinking of making two videos about this.
After that is done the intermediate tutorials will begin where animations, custom skyboxes and sounds will be created. (around 3 vids)
After all that the hig level tutorials will begin where the jBullet physics engine will be used alongside raycast algorithms. This series will also cover
8 years ago 00:00:20 3
[Tutorials] jMonkeyEngine introduction
8 years ago 00:18:48 1
Part 1: Java Tutorial Series using jMonkeyEngine - Hello World
8 years ago 00:06:42 1
jMonkeyEngine3 SDK Alpha-1 (Platform)
8 years ago 00:15:35 1
JMonkeyEngine Основы задания скриптов и физики. Продолжение (JME3, open source)
8 years ago 00:14:32 29
JMonkeyEngine Урок Основы задания скриптов и физики для объектов сцены (Начало JME3)
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[JMonkeyEngine] Уроки по движку. Примеры проектов. (JME 3 Examples)
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[JMonkeyEngine] Уроки по игровому движку. Редактирование сцены и эффекты (Scene JME and filters 2/2)
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[JMonkeyEngine, JME] Уроки по игровому движку. Создание сцены (Scene 1/3)
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OpenKeeper прогресс #5
9 years ago 00:00:31 3
Dungeon Keeper 2 mesh loading (not textured)
9 years ago 00:04:49 41
SpaceShift: jMonkeyEngine 3 + JavaFX
10 years ago 00:00:41 4
Make a Neon Vector Shooter in jMonkeyEngine: Final Result