Nine to Five Alpha Gameplay Trailer

SIGN UP FOR ALPHA BEFORE JUNE 1: JOIN OFFICIAL DISCORD: Nine to Five is a new 3v3v3 team-tactics FPS that’s as much about outsmarting your rivals as it is about outgunning them. Closed PC alpha starts on June 4! Sign up before June 1. __________________________________________ “It’s time for the Nine to Five closed alpha! We hope you enjoy this early version of Nine to Five as much as we have developing it. Just to be clear on what to expect: this is very much a work in progress, and the game has some rough edges that we continue to work on smoothing out. On the content side: environments and weapons are still getting visual polish and balancing, some menus are incomplete and can be tricky to navigate, crafting and progression systems are on their first iterations, character visuals are rough, and some of the visual language/VFX needs work. All of these issues are a priority for us. Our focus in alpha is on the core gameplay, so t
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