Kratos, Aphrodite & Cronos | God of War 3 Remastered Part 5 Playthrough Reactions PS5 Upscaled 4K
I should have known better. Everyone telling me to get ready for the epic Aphrodite “boss fight“ smh 🤦 In actuality, we have an actual REAL epic battle with a titan, and that’s the real fight in this episode. Now I know what Kratos thinking when Atreus asks if he fought anything as big as a dragon before. By the way, based on feedback from before, I opted not to censor this episode and leave it with limited or no monetization and ads so everyone can get the full experience as it was originally intended by the developers. If you’d like to support the channel, consider letting an ad or two run in places where you might normally not during the rest of this playthrough. Have a great day and thanks for the support! ❤️
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