NAVY SMASH MASS RAID Thrilling pictures of how Navy deals swiftly with Italian air-raid. (1940)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit AT SEA: NAVY SMASH MASS RAID Thrilling pictures of how Navy deals swiftly with Italian air-raid. Full Description: MEDITERRANEAN: GV Battleship at sea. LV Side. Battleship at sea. LV Guns 15 on Warspite. CU Cunningham SV Cunningham pan to . Rear-Admiral Willis. GV Fleet Air Arm plane lands on Aircraft Carrier Illustrious. SV Officer looking through binoculars. GV Three Italian planes in air. GV Warship firing guns. LV A.A. gun firing. SV Firing multiple pom-pom gun. GV Bombs bursting near ships on horizon. SV Pan bombs bursting near camera. SBV Single pom-pom firing. GV A.A. burst in sky. GV Bombs bursting on the horizon. CU Bombs bursting near camera (throw cameraman off feet) GV Air-craft carrier firing guns. SV Italian plane coming down. Angle shot: Sailor looking through glasses. GV Column of smoke from wrecked plane on horizon. CU Sailor in number 13 tin helmet
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