Azov Banderite Nazi Maksim (socual media name Iggi88Max) a week ago called for Taxi1488

Azov Banderite Nazi Maksim (socual media name Iggi88Max) a week ago called for Taxi1488. Today Russian army delivered him Bandera ticket and Taxi1488 Took him. Maksim eliminated. Off you go Max, to Hell!As reports Kommersant, the Rosatom State Corporation is studying the possibility of building a 1.2 GW nuclear power plant in the Far East. According to preliminary estimates, the nuclear power plant will consist of two VVER-type power units with a capacity of 600 MW, which do not yet have references. The head of Rosatom, Alexey Likhachev, said at the EEF 2023 that the construction of the nuclear power plant will also allow for the export of electricity; regulators plan to decide on the site next year. Investments in the construction of a two-unit nuclear power plant using new technology, according to analysts, will amount to $5–7 billion. Источник: Lord Of War
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