Gut Purim - Eitan Katz - גוט פורים - איתן כ״ץ

Musical Production by Eran Klein Management - Yehuda Kalman PR- Kobis הפקה מוסיקלית - ערו קליין ניהול בלעדי - יהודה קלמן יחסי ציבור - קובי סלע תקשורת כהלכה This nigun was composed at the height of last year’s Purim seuda. The catchy chorus to the words “Gut Purim” was inspired by an old recording of R’ Shlomo Carlebach at his Purim seuda. During the seuda, the way in which he is heard wishing “Gut Purim” to all that attended is simply mesmerizing. The love, the passion in those words stays with me until this day. Wishing everyone a meaningful Purim, filled with inner joy and happiness yet to
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