Н.Обухова Липа/ Russian Folk Song

Надежда Обухова. Липа вековая. Ndezhda Obukhova. Lipa Vekovya (Century-old Linden). Russian Folk Song. Paintings by V. Polenov, A. Venetsianov, I. Shishkin, I. Repin, A. Shilder and are used in this slide show. Century-old linden roars over the river, The daring song is ringing in the distance. Meadow is covered with mist, like a shroud, There is the sound of a watchdog behind the mound. This boring sound of long-past days Has awakened my memory. That’s all is passing and I am in the church, I am held down by a gold ring. But not with thee, my sweetheart, Thee are sleeping under the earth, because of me. Above thy grave the nightingale sings Soon, thy dear friend will sleep in the same bed. Soon, thy dear friend will sleep in the same bed.
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