
玉米,高纖維低熱量,還富含多種維生素,真是個寶藏。正趕上玉米豐收,秋冬季節就是玉米的主場!今天就試試在餐廳超受歡迎的玉米烙和金沙玉米粒,製作步驟很相近,輕輕鬆松就能做出一甜一咸兩種口味,大人喜歡吃,家裡的小朋友也超愛!Full of vitamins, corn contains high fiber and low calorie. It’s indeed healthy and nutritious. Autumn and winter are the seasons of corn. Today we’re going to teach you two popular corn dishes in restaurants, which are Corn Pancake and Fried Corn Kernels with Salted Egg Yolks. The two dishes, one sweet and one salty, will surely win the heart of either adults or children in your family.
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