Cat Albert-Zingano trains at Tiger Muay Thai for bout against Carina Damm
Cat Zingano is currently the #7 ranked 125lbs female fighter in the world. Preparing for a December bout against Carina Damm (Currently the #2 ranked 125lbs female fighter in the world) she headed to Phuket Thailand to work her standup at Tiger Muay Thai. Cat is the wife of BJJ Black Belt Mauricio Zingano. A Purple Belt in BJJ she has wrestled from middle school through college and has an impressive 4-0 professional record with all her wins coming by finishes. To check out her academy visit http://zingan
8 years ago 00:03:40 13
Cat and Jordan Sparring 101910
9 years ago 00:05:32 34
Cat Albert-Zingano trains at Tiger Muay Thai for bout against Carina Damm