(prototype arrangement) Astral World - Might & Magic I(1):Secret of the Inner Sanctum Soundtrack

OR Astral World and Soul Maze Theme (アストラル世界とイドの迷宮のテーマ) FROM MIGHT AND MAGIC I: SECRET OF THE INNER SANCTUM ARRANGED SOUNDTRACK MUSIC Original Composition by Masahaur Iwata (copyright 1990) Remixed and arranged by Andrew Harrington (copyright 2017) Used when trekking through the Astral Plane and Soul Maze in the NES/FC version. According to Sheltem’s log: “My cover is ruined! Some of the natives of VARN arrived in my court today and revealed to all that I am an imposter. I banished them to my control maze to prevent a fight, but I am sure they will cut my Wire connection to this VARN soon. I shall have to flee to CRON.” And Corak: “News has reached me that Sheltem was posing as King Alamar, but has fled his usurped throne. I should have suspected. Alamar’s subjects were saying that he has acted strangely for about four years, but it never occurred to me to question why. The Wire reports that he has lost his connection in the VARN but has fled to CRON. I will seek him there.” ALL VERSIONS: 109 NES 139 Arranged FOR MORE OST AND ARRANGED MUSIC FROM THE SERIES: FULL SOUNDTRACK PLAYLISTS: MM1 PC MM1 C64 MM1 NES MM1 PCE MM1 ARRANGED MM2 PC MM2 C64 MM2 Amiga MM2 Genesis MM2 ARRANGED MM3 MT-32 MM3 FM MM3 ARRANGED MM4 Canvas MM4 FM MM4 ARRANGED MM5 Canvas MM5 FM MM5 ARRANGED ALL ARRANGED FULL SOUNDTRACK ONE VIDEO: MM1 PC MM1 C64 MM1 NES MM1 PCE MM2 PC MM2 C64 MM2 Amiga MM2 Genesis MM3 MT-32 MM3 FM MM4 Canvas MM4 FM MM5 Canvas [PENDING] MM5 FM [PENDING]
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