Post-Soviet Secessionism: Nation-Building and State-Failure after Communism

Full interview with Dr. Mykhailo Minakov on Post-Soviet Secessionism: Nation-Building and State-Failure after Communism,“ Milan, Italy, 17 February 2021. - 0:48 Contemporary political science there is a subdivision that studies states/territories that seceded from their “mother states“ and exist with some type of political organization. 20th century phenomenon - 1:35 Theory and history of state, create hypothesis. How did states form? What was 2,000 years ago? What was in Italy 500 years ago before the contemporary form of Italy emerged? - 1:55 What was happening with humans when the state was irregular, traditional? Continuation of certain traditions to create political organization. Return to the mother state - 2:36 How scholars looked at Ukraine in 1989-90: Famous report by economists at Deutsche Bank studied all 15 former Soviet republics. Forecast - Ukraine has the brightest future, biggest opportunities - 3:24 Institute for European Studies. Conference on former Soviet
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