Ptah The God who created the world by Word | Gods of Egypt

Gods of Egypt Ptah, the God who created the world by his word. Ptah is one of the oldest gods in Egyptian mythology. He is the patron god of sculptors, craftsmen, builders, and artists in general. Memphite Theology (Ptah created the world and everything in it by his word) This is referred to as Logos creation, a concept that later became a fundamental dogma in monotheistic religions. In the beginning was the Word (Logos), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1 References Genesis in Egypt: The Philosophy of Ancient Egyptian Creation Accounts. by Allen, James (1988). pp. 38–41 Related Works Atum The God of the Oldest Creation Story ever told | Gods of Egypt Aten the Sun God | Akhenaten’s Hymn | Gods of Egypt Prayers to Atum | Ancient Egyptian Hymns and Prayers 42 Laws Of Maat | Ancient Egyptian Bible | Origins of Morality Updated https://y
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