Sri Arunachaleswarar Temple Darsanam

Sri Arunachaleswarar Temple Darsanam Acknowledgments: 1. To Lord Arunachaleswarar/Annamalayar for putting this mad inspiration into me. On a whim, I picked up my ten year old, retireable, handycam one fine day, went to the temple and started clicking! 2. Sri @SriRamanasramam for the audios/permissions and his insightful editing tips. 3. To ji for some rare clips used by me herein. Audio Credits: The audio tracks herein are rendered by: 1. Sri Damodaranaar Oduvaar-from Tiruvaachakam 2. Sri Prabhakaran-verses of Arunachala Stuti Panchakam of Sri Ramana Maharshi and from Umasahasram of Kavyakanta Ganapati Muni. Special permissions were taken from them through the good offices of Sri @SriRamanasramam. I am informed that Sri Ramanasramam has rights over the tracks rendered by Sri Prabhakaran. Audio Tracks: # Arunachala Puranam - Sri Prabhakaran # Tiru Ammanai (Tiruvaachakam) - Sri Damodaranaar Oduvaar # Arivuruthal (Tiruvaachakam) - Sri Damoda
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