yelan salad x lyney mono pyro | 4.0 (3.8) spiral abyss floor 12 full clear (9 stars)

i really like lyney, he’s very fun and his animations are extremely satisfying.🪄 first half - yelan(c0), baizhu(c0), fischl(c6), sucrose(c0) second half - lyney(c0), bennett(c6), dehya(c0), kazuha(c0) yelan salad rotation: yelan E Q / baizhu E Q / fischl E or Q / sucrose E Q attack / yelan E / baizhu E / sucrose attack / repeat lyney mono pyro rotation: bennett E / kazuha E Q / bennett E Q / dehya E / kazuha E / lyney CAx3 Q E / repeat (note: i’m not 100% sure about this rotation, it’s hard to test and optimise rotations in this current abyss) 0:00 12-1-1 1:28 12-1-2 2:51 12-2-1 4:16 12-2-2 5:47 12-3-1 6:45 12-3-2 8:07 builds 1 9:05 builds 2 #genshinimpact #spiralabyss #hoyocreators #lyney #yelan #fontaine
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