Cotigao Wildlife Sanctuary was established in 1969, and is located in Canacona Taluk , South Goa District. There is an Eco-Tourism complex at the entrance of the sanctuary that houses a nature interpretation centre, cottages, toilets, library, reception area, rescue centre, canteen, children’s park, and forest ranger office.
The Department’s jeep is available to go around the sanctuary along the network of metalled and unmetalled roads within the sanctuary with a free guide. Contact the Range Forest Officer whose office is by the Interpretation Centre at the entrance. There is a viewing platform up a tall tree at Bhutpal 9 km from the entrance and waterholes at Tulsimol and Dhantali.
Wildlife. The sanctuary claims to harbour a wide range of mammals (including panther, sloth bear and hyena) and several reptiles but you are really only likely to see wild boar, the odd deer and gaur and many monkeys on a visit although bird spotting is more rewarding. Birds not easily seen elsewhere in Goa include rufous woodpecker, Malabar crested lark and white-eyed eagle.
Music: Voyage
Musician: @iksonmusic
@Goatourismofficial @goaforestdepartmentwildlif903 @ingoanews